Used by men and women, messenger bags have become very popular. This is perfectly suited for a purse or a day bag. Keep your hands free while always having your books, tablets, notebooks and personal items handy within easy reach. If you're on-the-go, walking city streets or navigating busy airports, this is a must-have item.
Leather packs are made to order and may take 7-10 days to ship. Lead times may vary – subject to availability.
- Dimensions: 12 in. x 10 in. x 3 in. (30.48 cm x 25.4 cm x 7.62 cm)
- Color: Natural
- Pack of 10
- Pre-Cut, Pre-Punched Veg-Tan Leather
- Instructions (, , )
Additional Items Required to Complete (not included)
- Button Studs (2)
- Open Back Screw Posts (6)
Optional Tools
- Loctite Threadlocker to secure hardware
- to burnish edges
- to finish edges
- to burnish edges
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